Frequently Asked Questions


How Do I Place An Order For School Wear?
To make an order, you must first choose the item you require, then select the colour and size you would like (use our size guide to ensure you are ordering the correct size). Once you have made your choice, simply add it to your basket. It’s as easy as that! Once you are ready to checkout, click the “My Cart’ symbol in the top right hand corner of the screen, review your items to make sure all is present and correct and you are happy with your colour and size choices, and then proceed to checkout. Here, you will be asked to enter your details and to choose your delivery option, after which you will proceed to PayPal. An email confirmation of your order details with Adelie schoolwear will then be sent to you.
Will The Uniform Arrive With A School Logo?
Only uniform bought through the ‘Your School’ section of the site will arrive with the corresponding logo. All other non-branded uniform purchased through Adelie schoolwear will not include a school logo. If you are unsure as to whether we are contracted with your specific school to sell their branded uniform, please contact us and we will be very happy to help.
Do I Have To Have An Account To Buy School Uniform Through The School Wear Shop?
The simple answer is no, you do not. You are welcome to check out as a guest. Creating an account does, however, make all future purchases a much quicker process for you.
How Do I Return Or Exchange An Item?
For information regarding our Returns and Exchanges policy, please click this link to view our Refund and Returns Policy.
I Have Forgotten My Account Password, What Do I Do?
If you’ve forgotten your account password for Adelie schoolwear, simply click on the ‘Lost Your Password’ icon under the password bar and follow the instructions to receive a reset email.
How Long Will My Order Take?
If you have selected to pick your purchase up from Adelie Brand Limited (our umbrella company), it will take 3-5 working days for your order to be ready for collection. We will contact you as soon as your order is ready to be collected. If you have selected one of the delivery options, it may take up to 7 working days.
For any queries regarding the delivery time of your specific order, please don’t hesitate to contact us at: [email protected]
or give us a call on 01752 660145 .
For all items purchased requiring VAT to be added, this will be done at the final stage of Checkout.

Making the Most of a Rainy UK School Summer Holiday: Budget-Friendly Activities for Teens

Ah, the UK summer – a season often associated with sunshine, warmth, and outdoor adventures. But let’s face it, the reality doesn’t always match up to the ideal. Rainy days are just as much a part of British summer as the occasional sunbeam. If you find yourself this summer holiday with a tight budget, wondering what your teens can do then fear not, there are plenty of exciting activities to keep teenagers entertained, even when the skies are grey!


**1. Indoor Movie Marathon: Gather your friends or family, pop some popcorn, and set up a cozy movie marathon. Pick a theme – whether it’s classic ’80s films, superhero flicks, or an actor/actress filmography – and watch away. Don’t forget to create some comfortable seating arrangements with blankets and cushions.

**2. Board Game Bonanza: Dust off those old board games and indulge in some friendly competition. From Monopoly to Scrabble, board games have a magical way of turning a rainy day into a memorable bonding experience.

**3. Arts and Crafts: Unleash your creativity with arts and crafts. Try your hand at painting, sketching, or making DIY crafts. Upcycling old items or creating handmade cards can be not only budget-friendly but also a lot of fun.

**4. Cooking and Baking Adventures: Experiment with new recipes in the kitchen. Cooking or baking together can be a fantastic way to learn valuable life skills while having a blast. Why not whip up a batch of homemade cookies or even try your hand at a simple homemade pizza?

**5. Indoor Treasure Hunt: Get inventive by organizing an indoor treasure hunt. Write up clues and hide small treats or prizes around the house. It’s a great way to keep everyone engaged and excited.

**6. Learn a New Skill: Use the rainy days to learn something new. Whether it’s playing a musical instrument, learning a new dance routine from YouTube, or trying your hand at origami, there’s no limit to what you can learn from the comfort of your own home.

**7. Library Exploration: Pay a visit to your local library and explore the world through books. Whether you’re into fantasy, science fiction, or historical fiction, you’re sure to find something captivating to read. Many libraries also offer free or low-cost workshops during the summer.

**8. DIY Spa Day: Transform your home into a relaxing spa retreat. Create homemade face masks, run luxurious bubble baths, and put on soothing music. Invite friends over for a spa day and unwind together.

**9. Virtual Travel: Use the power of the internet to virtually explore museums, art galleries, and famous landmarks from around the world. Many institutions offer online tours and exhibitions that can transport you to different places without leaving your home.

**10. Puzzle Power: Engage your brainpower with puzzles like crosswords, sudoku, and jigsaw puzzles. These activities are not only entertaining but also enhance your cognitive skills.

**11. Indoor Gardening: If you have green fingers, bring the outdoors in by creating a small indoor garden with potted plants or herbs. It’s a refreshing way to connect with nature, even on rainy days.

**12. Volunteer Virtually: Consider reaching out to local charities or organizations to see if there are any virtual volunteering opportunities. Helping others while staying indoors can be incredibly rewarding.

**13. Online Courses: Many online platforms offer free or low-cost courses on a wide range of topics, from coding to photography. Use this time to boost your skills and knowledge in areas that interest you.


Remember, a little rain doesn’t have to dampen your spirits. With a dash of creativity and a willingness to try new things, you can turn a wet UK school summer holiday into a time filled with laughter, learning, and unforgettable moments. So, embrace the indoor adventures and make the most of every rainy day!

Navigating the Transition: Helping Year Six Students Prepare for Senior School.


As the summer breeze brings us closer to September, many parents find themselves preparing their year six children for the exciting transition to senior school. This significant milestone marks a new chapter in their academic journey and personal growth. To ensure a smooth transition, it is essential for parents to play a supportive role in preparing their children for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. In this blog post, we will explore practical tips and insights to help parents guide their children through this transition period.


  1. Initiate Open and Honest Conversations:

The first step in preparing your child for senior school is to have open and honest conversations. Encourage your child to express their expectations, concerns, and hopes about this new phase of their education. Actively listen to their thoughts and address any worries or fears they may have. By fostering open communication, you can help alleviate anxieties and build a foundation of support.


  1. Visit the Senior School:

Familiarizing your child with their new environment is crucial in easing their transition. Take the opportunity to visit the senior school together, if possible. Explore the classrooms, facilities, and grounds. This familiarity will help your child feel more comfortable on their first day and enable them to envision themselves as an integral part of the new school community.


  1. Develop Organizational Skills:

Senior school often brings increased academic demands and responsibilities. Encourage your child to develop strong organizational skills. Teach them effective time management techniques, such as using planners, setting reminders, and breaking tasks into manageable chunks. These skills will empower them to stay on top of their assignments, deadlines, and extracurricular activities.


  1. Encourage Independence:

Senior school provides an ideal opportunity for children to cultivate independence. Gradually encourage your child to take on more responsibilities, such as packing their school bag, preparing their own lunch, and managing their homework. These small steps will foster their self-reliance and instil a sense of confidence in navigating the challenges that come their way.


  1. Foster Friendships and Connections:

Moving to senior school means meeting new classmates and building new friendships. Encourage your child to engage in extracurricular activities and join clubs that align with their interests. These opportunities allow them to connect with like-minded peers and build a support system within the school community. Encourage them to be open-minded, kind, and inclusive as they interact with their new peers.


  1. Emphasize a Positive Mindset:

Help your child approach the transition with a positive mindset. Highlight the exciting opportunities and experiences that senior school offers. Discuss the new subjects they will explore, the diverse range of extracurricular activities available, and the chance to form lasting friendships. By focusing on the positives, you can inspire enthusiasm and build their confidence in embracing this new chapter of their lives.



As parents, our role in preparing our year six children for the transition to senior school is vital. By initiating open conversations, familiarizing them with the new environment, and fostering organizational skills and independence, we can empower our children to thrive in their new academic setting. Encouraging them to foster friendships, develop a positive mindset, and embrace the exciting opportunities that senior school brings will contribute to their overall growth and success. Let’s celebrate this milestone together and support our children every step of the way!


Remember, this is an exciting time for both you and your child. By providing guidance, reassurance, and a nurturing environment, you are setting the stage for their future achievements. Here’s to an incredible journey ahead!


#YearSixTransition #SeniorSchoolPreparation #ParentingJourney

📣 Attention, Parents and Guardians! 🎒✏️

⚠️ Facing the current cost of living crisis, it’s important to make smart choices for our children’s education. 💰💡 Today, I want to highlight the benefits of buying school uniforms in these challenging times. 🏫👕


🔍 Here are a few reasons why investing in school uniforms can be a wise decision:

1) COST-EFFECTIVE: School uniforms often provide a more affordable option compared to regular clothes. By purchasing uniforms, you eliminate the need to buy multiple outfits or keep up with ever-changing fashion trends. It allows you to save money in the long run.

2) SIMPLICITY: School uniforms simplify the morning routine by eliminating the hassle of deciding what to wear each day. No more arguments or stress over outfit choices! It helps establish a sense of discipline and routine for your child.

3) EQUALITY: Uniforms promote a sense of equality among students, regardless of their socio-economic backgrounds. In times of financial hardship, this can be crucial in preventing social divisions and fostering inclusivity within the school community.

4) IDENTITY & PRIDE: Wearing a school uniform instils a sense of belonging and pride in students. It creates a unified identity and a stronger connection to their educational institution. This can positively impact their confidence and overall academic performance.

5) TIME-SAVING: With a school uniform, laundry becomes simpler and quicker. No more worrying about stubborn stains on expensive clothes or finding matching outfits. It allows you to focus on other important aspects of your child’s education.


💡 So, if you’re feeling the pinch of the cost-of-living crisis, consider the practicality and benefits of purchasing school uniforms. Remember, it’s an investment in your child’s education and overall well-being. Let’s navigate these challenging times together!



Wearing the correct school uniform and staying hydrated are crucial for a child’s well-being, especially in extremely hot weather.

Here’s Why:

  1. Protection from the sun:

School uniforms are typically designed to provide some level of protection from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. The uniform’s fabric, colour, and design can help shield the child’s skin from direct sun exposure, reducing the risk of sunburn, heatstroke, and other heat-related illnesses.

  1. Comfort and temperature regulation:

The right school uniform can aid in maintaining a comfortable body temperature for children. Uniforms made from breathable fabrics, such as cotton or lightweight materials, allow air circulation and can help prevent overheating. Loose-fitting uniforms can also enhance airflow, keeping children cooler in hot weather.

  1. Identification and safety:

School uniforms often serve as a visual identifier, making it easier to locate and supervise children in crowded environments. This is particularly important during school outings, field trips, or when children are in public spaces. Wearing the correct uniform ensures that children can be easily recognized and kept safe.

  1. Hydration and water intake:

Drinking an adequate amount of water is vital for children’s health, especially in hot weather. Proper hydration helps regulate body temperature, maintain bodily functions, and prevent dehydration. Wearing the correct school uniform can act as a reminder for both children and school staff to prioritize hydration and encourage regular water intake throughout the day.

  1. Educational focus and performance:

Extreme heat can negatively impact concentration, cognitive abilities, and overall academic performance. When children are uncomfortably hot, it becomes difficult to concentrate on their studies. Wearing a suitable uniform that helps keep them cool and hydrated allows children to focus better, engage in learning activities, and perform optimally.

To ensure children are adequately protected and hydrated in extremely hot weather, schools can take the following steps:

  1. Appropriate uniform modifications: Schools can consider temporarily modifying the uniform policy during extreme heat by allowing lighter materials, short-sleeved shirts, or adjustable attire that aligns with the uniform’s overall appearance while providing better comfort and ventilation.
  2. Provision of shade and cooling facilities: Schools can create shaded areas in the school premises, such as outdoor canopies or designated cooling spaces, where children can take breaks from the sun and cool down when needed.
  3. Hydration reminders and access to water: Teachers and staff should actively encourage students to drink water regularly and provide accessible water stations or bottles to ensure children can hydrate easily throughout the day.
  4. Educational awareness: Schools can educate both students and parents about the importance of proper hydration, sun protection, and the significance of wearing the correct school uniform in hot weather. This can include providing information through newsletters, workshops, or online resources.

By prioritizing the correct school uniform and promoting hydration, schools can help ensure the well-being, safety, and academic success of children, even in extremely hot weather conditions.

📣🎒 Attention, parents and educators! 🏫👕

📣🎒 Let’s talk about the amazing benefits of school children wearing a school uniform! 🏫👕

👍 Sense of Unity: School uniforms create a sense of unity and belonging among students. When everyone is dressed in the same attire, it promotes a feeling of equality and fosters a strong school community. It eliminates social divisions based on clothing choices, allowing children to focus on their studies and friendships.

📚 Improved Focus: By wearing a uniform, students are less distracted by fashion trends and the pressure to fit in with their peers. This helps them to concentrate more on their studies, resulting in better academic performance. Uniforms create a focused learning environment, where students can channel their energy into their educational goals.

🌈 Equality and Inclusivity: School uniforms promote equality by eradicating the visible differences between students’ socio-economic backgrounds. It ensures that all children, regardless of their financial situation, have access to the same clothing options, reducing social and economic inequalities within the school environment.

🔬 Enhanced Safety: School uniforms often feature bright colors and distinct designs, making it easier for teachers and staff to identify their students. This enhances the overall safety and security of the school, as it becomes easier to spot individuals who shouldn’t be on the premises. Uniforms also discourage the wearing of gang-related or inappropriate clothing, ensuring a safer learning environment.

💼 Preparation for Professionalism: Wearing a school uniform prepares students for their future professional lives. It instills a sense of discipline, responsibility, and self-respect. The habit of dressing appropriately and following a dress code helps them develop essential skills for future workplaces, where similar rules and expectations exist.

👫 Encourages Peer Acceptance: Wearing the same uniform fosters acceptance and discourages bullying based on clothing choices. Students are valued for their personality and achievements, rather than their fashion preferences. This creates a more inclusive atmosphere where everyone feels accepted, leading to stronger friendships and positive social interactions.

Let’s celebrate the numerous benefits that school uniforms bring to our children’s lives! 🎉📚 Embracing uniforms promotes a positive educational environment, enhances academic focus, and teaches important life skills. Together, let’s create a unified and thriving school community for our little ones! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦❤️

🎓📚 GCSE Revision Tips for Parents to Help Students 📚🎓

Dear parents, as the GCSE exams approach, your support can make a tremendous difference in helping your child succeed. Here are some valuable revision tips for parents to assist their students during this crucial time:

1) Create a Supportive Environment: Ensure a quiet, well-lit study area for your child, free from distractions. Provide necessary materials like textbooks, stationery, and a timetable to help them stay organized.

2) Understand the Exam Structure: Familiarize yourself with the GCSE exam structure and content for each subject. This will allow you to guide your child effectively and provide appropriate resources or revision materials.

3) Encourage Effective Planning: Help your child create a revision schedule that breaks down subjects and topics into manageable study sessions. Assist them in setting realistic goals and deadlines to stay on track.

4) Encourage them to explain concepts and ideas to you: This helps reinforce their understanding and memory retention.

5) Provide Encouragement and Emotional Support: Remind your child that you believe in their abilities and offer words of encouragement. Managing exam stress is crucial, so reassure them that mistakes are part of the learning process.

6) Be a Resource Finder: Assist your child in finding additional resources, such as online tutorials, practice exams, or revision guides. There are many reputable websites and apps available that offer interactive study materials.

7) Promote Healthy Habits: Encourage regular breaks during study sessions to prevent burnout. Encourage physical activity, nutritious meals, and sufficient sleep, as these factors significantly impact cognitive function.

8) Test and Quiz Sessions: Conduct practice quizzes or tests with your child to help them consolidate their knowledge. This method helps identify areas that need further revision and builds confidence.

9) Attend Parent-Teacher Meetings: Keep in touch with your child’s teachers to understand their progress, areas of improvement, and any specific advice they may have. Collaboration between parents and teachers is key.

🔟 Celebrate Achievements: Acknowledge and celebrate your child’s progress and accomplishments throughout their revision journey. A positive and supportive atmosphere boosts motivation and self-belief.

Remember, each student is unique, so tailor your approach to suit your child’s learning style and needs. Your consistent support and involvement will greatly contribute to their success during this critical period.

Best of luck to your child in their GCSE exams! 🍀🎉

Blog: 20th October 2020.

Half term isolation activities.

Hello again and welcome to our third blog post!

We here at theschoolwearshop.co.uk hope you have all managed to stay safe and well during these unprecedented and difficult past couple of months!

With local lock-downs and time off becoming more and more prevalent, we would like to offer some ideas to keep the boredom at bay! Also, with the October half term just around the corner, it may be now more than ever that parents need fresh ideas to keep their children occupied. So let us share some of our new found favourite activities to keep your days filled and exciting!

Activities for younger children:

  1. Paper plate whales

These paper plate whales aren’t just easy to do but also look great when they are finished! Requiring minimal equipment (a paper plate, colouring pens and scissors) this is an easy time filler for when they need something to let their creativity flow.


A paper plate whale

2. Leaf lanterns

These leaf lanterns are perfect as an autumn craft and are guaranteed to make any room look cosy whilst also providing new arts and craft skills for your little ones!

PS The BEST thing about this craft, is you do NOT HAVE to press your leaves to do this. You can make them on the day you collect your leaves, so long as they are not wet!


Simple Leaf Lanterns for Kids and preschoolers. Lovely nature craft for Autumn and Thanksgiving #leaf #leaves #leafcraft #leaflantern #nature #autumn #autumncraftskids

Activities for teens: 

  1. Ask them to help meal plan!

Teens need to know how to budget and plan food for the week, so hand in hand with cooking, this is a great skill for all teenagers to learn plus it helps take the pressure off you cooking every night!

How Meal Planning Can Save Your Motherhood — Crystal Karges Nutrition - Registered Dietitian Nutritionist in San Diego, CA

2. Learn a new language

This one requires some more long term commitment but apps like Duolingo can help make it easier to quickly learn! Having time off gives a perfect opportunity to pick up a new language and even if we can’t travel as normal this year, learning a language now will help for future travel adventures.

4 Tips for Learning a Foreign Language

Activities for the whole family:

  1. Plan an escape room

Now obviously one person cannot be involved in the actual escape of the room, however, this game can be good fun for all the family to enjoy as it involves good communication skills alongside being hands on with finding the clues.


DIY Escape Room | Team Building Tips

2. Hold a mini come dine with me experience

This one is great especially if you have older children and with the added competitive element people are bound to try their hardest to impress. It’s a win win all round as you enjoy food being cooked for you whilst family members also learn how to cook new dishes! What could go wrong!


Throwing Your Own Come Dine With Me Dinner

We really hope these ideas help inspire you to have a fun filled half term and to help keep your children unplugged from their devices to enjoy some family time. Until next time, thank you for reading our blog and we wish for you all to stay safe and well.

The team at theschoolwearshop.co.uk

Blog: 12th June 2020.

How To Make Your Own Face Covering!

We here at The School Wear Shop hope you are all bearing up during these unprecedented times, and have been enjoying the slightly more relaxed restrictions in the gorgeous weather we’ve been having!

On the 8th June the government announced that the wearing of face coverings will be mandatory in hospitals and on public transport in England, from the 15th June. We wanted to put our sewing and embroidery skills to further good use and have been making some of our own, here in the office, and thought it would be really helpful to share a free ‘how-to’ guide with you, our wonderful School Wear Shop customers! We have uploaded three really easy methods for making your own, with full instructions, using items easily found in most households. We’d love to see your creations, so please don’t forget to share pictures of the finished masterpieces on our social pages!

We hope you find this useful and here at The School Wear Shop will endeavour to ‘do our bit’, in any way we can, until we are out the other side!

Until the next time, stay safe, and if there’s anything we can do to help you, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Coronavirus: face coverings mandatory in hospitals and on public transport in England from June 15

  • The government has announced that wearing a face covering will be mandatory in hospitals and on public transport in England from 15 June.
  • Separately, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has changed its global guidance on face masks, suggesting that in circumstances where social distancing is difficult – such as public transport, shops etc – basic medical masks (not respirator masks) should be worn by the over 60s, and homemade three-layer masks should be worn by the general public.

A cloth face covering should cover your mouth and nose while allowing you to breathe comfortably. It can be as simple as a scarf or bandana that ties behind the head.

Wash your hands or use hand sanitiser before putting it on and after taking it off. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth at all times and store used face coverings in a plastic bag until you have an opportunity to wash them.

Do not touch the front of the face covering, or the part of the face covering that has been in contact with your mouth and nose. Once removed, make sure you clean any surfaces the face covering has touched.

You should wash a face covering regularly. It can go in with other laundry, using your normal detergent.

When wearing a face covering, take care to tuck away any loose ends.

Face coverings should not be used by children under the age of 3 or those who may find it difficult to manage them correctly. For example, primary age children unassisted, or those with respiratory conditions.


How to make a face mask with a sock in five easy steps

  1. Hold a single sock upside down and cut half of the foot section off
  2. When you have an even space from the heel to both ends of the sock, cut it open down the middle
  3. Fold it open flat with the heel area in the centre
  4. Make two incisions two cm from both sides
  5. Use the slits to clip the mask around your ears

Once you have an even distance between the top of the sock and the foot from the heel, slice the sock down the side and this opens it up.

Holding it so it forms a rough rectangle with the heel in the centre, you then fold it in half horizontally.


This information is a guide to making a simple face covering. We do not endorse any particular method and other instructions are widely available online. Always take care to use equipment safely to avoid injury. Children should only follow these instructions under the supervision of adults.

how a cloth covering should fit
How a cloth covering should fit

Making your own face covering

Using a T-shirt

You will need:

  • an old T-shirt that you do not want anymore (ideally size small or extra small)
  • scissors

Step 1: Cut a straight line across the width of the T-shirt (front and back) approximately 20cm from the bottom of the T-shirt.

Cutting a strip from t-shirt

Step 2: From a point 2cm below the top right-hand corner of the fabric, make a 15cm horizontal cut through both sides of the fabric that is parallel to the top of the rectangle.

Step 3: Cut down towards the bottom of the fabric until you reach approximately 2cm above the bottom edge. From here, make another 15cm cut that runs parallel to the bottom of the fabric to make a rectangle that can be discarded.

Cutting a rectangle and tie strings

Step 4: To make the ties, cut open the edge of the 2 long strips of fabric. Unfold the main piece of fabric and place over the mouth and the nose. The 4 strips act as ties to hold the cloth face covering in place and should be tied behind the head and around the neck.

Tying the strings of a face covering behind the head

A sewn cloth face covering

You will need:

  • two 25cm x 25cm squares of cotton fabric
  • two 20cm pieces of elastic (or string or cloth strips)
  • needle and thread
  • scissors
Items you need for a sewn face covering
Items you need for a sewn cloth face covering

Step 1: Cut out two 25cm x 25cm squares of cotton fabric. Stack the 2 squares on top of each other.

Step 2: Fold over one side by 0.75cm and hem, then repeat on the opposite side. Make 2 channels by folding the double layer of fabric over 1.5cm along each side and stitching this down.

How to fold face covering

Step 3: Run a 20cm length of elastic (or string or cloth strip) through the wider hem on each side of the face covering. These will be the ear loops. Use a large needle to thread it through. Tie the ends tightly.

Threading the ear loops and sewing into place

If you only have string, you can make the ties longer and tie the covering behind your head.

Step 4: Gently pull on the elastic so that the knots are tucked inside the hem. Gather the sides of the covering on the elastic and adjust so the covering fits your face. Then securely stitch the elastic in place to keep it from slipping. These elastic loops fit over the ears.

Completed face covering


Blog: 28th April 2020

Welcome to The School Wear Shop Blog!

Hello & welcome to The School Wear Shop’s first blog post! As I am writing to you today, we are in the midst of the global pandemic that will go down in history: Covid-19. We are all painfully aware of the impact these unprecedented times are having on the lives of each and every one of us, and no more so than on the lives of our school aged children. With schools having had to close over the last two months and home schooling being the new normal for now, we can only imagine how strange and challenging this time must be for them and you, their parents and carers.

As providers of school uniform and accessories we wanted to do ‘our bit’ in these very trying times by helping parents, grandparents and carers, giving them an easier and more affordable option for buying school uniform, ready for your child’s return to school. As most shops are not due to re open until the middle of June, we took the decision to build a user friendly website, offering generic school uniform such as Blazers, Skirts, Trousers, Blouses and Shirts etc. that are high quality, durable and at very affordable prices.

Our aim is to make the buying process of these essential items as pain free as possible. Including a printable tape measure with our full measuring guide is just one of the ways we hope will go some way to reducing the stress of not being able to attend the usual school kit days, or visiting a school wear shop, where your child would normally be measured.

Please be aware during these difficult times that delivery may take longer than usually expected, so we encourage you to order in plenty of time for your child returning to school. This is to ensure at all stages that anything purchased is quarantined as per the government guidelines, keeping both you, our customers, and ourselves as safe as possible.

If you have any queries then please go to our contact page and either email or call us via the details provided and we will do our utmost to help you. We aim to exceed your expectations, as always!

Stay safe everyone and until the next time,


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